Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Looking for My Camera Cord!

Well, I have lost my USB cord to my camera so I have not been able to download any of my new photos.
Maci Clogged the other day at the October Fest here in Parowan and I got some darling pics. This was her first clogging performance. She was so darn cute. I also got some cute pics of the kids carving pumpkins. So hopefully I will soon find my cord and I can show you some of the things we have been doing over the last few weeks.


Johnsonsblog said...

I hope you find it! Come see me sometime.

Bobbi said...

Hey Tiff,
I have one here at my house that doesn't belong to me...MAYBE IT'S YOURS! I'd really like to see your pictures.....

Stephanie said...

I usually have the opposite problem. My husband has so much computer crap, I am usually looking for places to stash all our cords. Hope you find it soon!

Brandi Jensen said...

Hi Tiff, Iam going to go private so leave me your address ok. And it was so nice to see ya on Halloween, your kids looked adorable.